Domestic Violence
Here are several resources for those who have experienced domestic violence. These resources were collected by our community partners and vetted by CUIMC Columbia Students.
General Resources
Staying Safe During Covid-19: The National Domestic Violence Hotline has information on how COVID-19 impacts intimate partner violence survivors and how to create a safety plan. You can also call them at 1-800-799-7233 or 1-800-799-7233 for TTY 24/7. If you’re unable to speak safely, you can log onto or text LOVEIS to 22522
General Information: Information on COVID-19 for survivors, communities, and DV/SA Programs.
Violence Intervention Program: CancerCare’s mission is to “provide free emotional and practical support for people with cancer, caregivers, loved ones, and the bereaved.” This resource provides phone and web-based counseling and support groups, a telephone hotline, free online resources, and financial assistance programs. You can search the website by cancer diagnosis or topic.
Hotline, SafeChat, Open Domestic Violence Shelters: You can speak with an advocate and call Safe Horizon’s 24-hour hotline at 1-800-621-HOPE (4673). You can also chat with an advocate at
Frequently Asked Questions Involving Courts and COVID-19: A list of frequently asked questions involving courts and COVID-19.
Options For Workers Who Are Survivors: This guide outlines options for workers who are survivors and questions to ask your employer. The guide also has financial information.